As a management consultancy that aims to be the best in the niche markets and services we offer, innovation has and will always be in our gene code – a fact that is widely recognized by our clients. This knowledge bank allows us to help our clients access unrivalled innovation expertise, revealing the magic triangle linking strategy, innovation and technology – carefully balanced for each of our clients.
Innovation, technology and good service delivery are intrinsically interwoven – one not working without a deep knowledge of the other. This is what as Advantech we want to be renowned for – not only creating BEST practice but defining NEXT practice for clients and entire business sectors – creating the future rather than anticipating or preparing for it. This interplay between innovation and technology drives our clients’ strategy and service delivery- creating our competitive advantage.
The point here is that many companies work hard at innovation – but ultimately fail because they do not link it to strategy, a vision or idea of where they see themselves at a clearly defined point in time. On the other hand many organizations settle with incremental innovations – and that mostly is because they do not have access to the kind of strategic thinking and innovation capacity as well as technology they need to get there.
Advantech knows that this approach has to be custom made for each client, and this has become a unique element of our identity. We have continued to transform our business in pursuit of our aim to achieve our vision and mission. We want to continually adapt to a dynamic business environment while serving our stakeholders even better. We have continued to add niche services to our core service portfolio in order to enhance our service offering to our clients.
Advantech’s corporate DNA marks all our operational activities. The overarching element in this DNA is trust: the difference is trust. We want to continue to build trust in our relationships with clients, partners and all stakeholders. This is our legacy and ethos. Other components of our DNA are a spirit of entrepreneurship, consistency and reliability, and leadership in all that we do.
In today’s world, our professionals are looking at diversity. Our firm’s deep industry knowledge linked to our strong expertise in strategy, innovation and technology helps us solve our clients’ most complex business issues while delivering sustainable results to their projects and businesses. Our clients recognize this value and seek us out when faced with these challenges. As we continue to expand our market presence and take on projects that enrich the career goals of our staff and associate consultants, the next many years of Advantech will be just as exciting as the previous ones.
With our years of experience, a solid ever-growing base of intellectual capital and many meaningful business relationships behind us, we are looking forward to an even greater future.